Northeastern Birds

By Bill Thompson

Northeastern Birds
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Start birding in your own backyard! From the editor of the nation's premier birding magazine, this authoritative guide will help you identify, feed, and nurture the birds you see every day.

Written by Bill Thompson III, the editor and co-publisher of Bird Watcher's Digest, this comprehensive yet portable guide contains the same variety of entertaining and informative entries that make Bird Watcher's Digest the nation's most popular birding magazine. While many birdwatchers travel regularly for their hobby, the environmental landscape of the Northeast supports fascinating species and variations exclusive to the area. Take a close look and you're sure to agree: some of the most beautiful and intriguing birds are the ones that frequent our backyards daily. While some guides—even regional ones!—focus on bird types that the casual observer is never likely to encounter, Northeastern Birds celebrates the species living side-by-side with us in the Northeast. In this book, you'll find:

  • Profiles for all the most common birds in the Northeast: New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
  • Beautiful photos and detailed descriptions to help ID what you see: Large color photos and gender-specific physical descriptions take the guesswork out of identification.
  • At a Glance information for busy birders: Charts will help you quickly figure out details like whether the bird uses a birdhouse, is attracted by feeders or specific plants, has different plumage by sex, and more! There's also a quick-reference guide for bird-friendly trees and shrubs.
  • Extended information as well: Nesting and feeding details, bird call particulars, and interesting stories are included for each species.
  • The basics of bird watching: Essential gear, bird-friendly food and plantings, housing tips, and observational techniques for those that are just getting started or want to brush up.
Pick up this essential companionfor your Northeast birding adventures, and be sure to look for our other backyard bird guides covering the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, South, and West regions of the United States.

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