A powerful and challenging examination of what Jews believe today--by a new generation's dynamic and innovative thinkers.
At every critical juncture in Jewish history, Jews have understood a dynamic theology to be essential for a vital Jewish community. This important collection sets the next stage of Jewish theological thought, bringing together a cross section of interesting new voices from all movements in Judaism to inspire and stimulate discussion now and in the years to come.
Provocative and wide-ranging, these invigorating and creative insights from a new generation's thought leaders provide a coherent and inspiring picture of Jewish belief in our time.
Contributors: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL * Rabbi Rachel Sabath * Beit-Halachmi, PhD * Rabbi Daniel M. Bronstein, PhD * Simon Cooper, PhD * Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove, PhD * Rabbi Jonathan Crane, PhD * Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum * Eitan Fishbane, PhD * Rabbi Jeremy Gordon * Rabbi Shai Held * Rabbi James Jacobson-Maisels * Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky * Rabbi Naamah Kelman * Rabbi Asher Lopatin * Rabbi Michael Marmur, PhD * Rabbi Evan Moffic * Rabbi Leon A. Morris * Rabbi Daniel Nevins * Rabbi William Plevan * Rabbi Or N. Rose * Benjamin Sax, PhD * Marc B. Shapiro, PhD * Benjamin D. Sommer, PhD * Rabbi Eliyahu Stern