There is surely a bridge between the management goal and the performance of employees working to achieve that goal, be it any industry and the apparel sector is not an exception. Designing a workplace that can bridge this gap to deliver the maximum output is an important area of concern. Though, there are many technologies available in the market today that can help the organizations to overcome the challenges and compete with their competitors. One of the major challenges is the cost associated with technologies which makes it difficult to be opted by small manufacturers and secondly, the lack of technical know-how as well as understanding of the technology.
One of the proven solutions is: changing the workplace into an engineered workplace that can help the manufacturers in achieving the desired goals and targets with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. This series will take the garment manufacturers through a number of articles that will help them identify new ways and methodologies that will result in improved productivity and the key of all the articles remains the same: re-engineering the current workplace into a workstation.