For many people the success they dream of having and becoming can
be the very thing that causes them to fail. To fall when you’re lifted up
is an indication of cracks in the walls of your character. The one thing
that is the most trying is to remain humble when you are lifted up. This
is the most important underlying factor that makes sure that you do not
get carried away with the success and forget the place that the Lord has
brought you from, thus, for many success is their failure.
What do you do when you cannot maintain the increase? What do
you do when the multiplication goes as quick as it has come? How
do you stay small when things get BIG around you? What kind of
attitude is required in the disposition of prosperity?
God is in the now calling for and waiting on the maturing of His children
before the elevation takes place. Because Growing-up is an indication
of Going-up.
This book is for those who want to learn how to maintain the true spirit
of humility in the midst of when things increase. Not just maintaining
the Spirit of humility but also the blessings of God and follow the
leading of the Holy Spirit in the distribution thereof.