World War III!

By Michael Campbell

World War III!
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The Book of Revelations describes the events, leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Apostle John describes the 21st Century, while giving us essential information.

Was 9/11 the beginning of World War III? Are both Bush administrations playing key roles in the incredible drama of the last days? Is President George W. Bush a hero or a villain? Will the next terrorist attack include nuclear radiation? Will the Iraq War be the catalyst precipitating a series of events that will result in the death of one third of the human race? What should we be doing now, to become fully prepared for these cataclysmic events?

Despite the terrible turmoil and the gathering clouds of doom, we need not fear. The Plan of God will prevail! Satan will be defeated, because the Atonement of Jesus Christ has made it impossible for evil to survive. In the end, good will conquer evil! The purpose of life is to make choices. People, who choose to love others and to be kind, will fulfill the purpose of their mortal existence. They are the people, who are embracing the eternal opportunities that have been provided by God. They will be happy forever!

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