Fundamentals of Marketing Research

By Scott M. Smith, Gerald S. Albaum

Fundamentals of Marketing Research
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Click on the Supplements tab above for further details on the different versions of SPSS programs.Fundamentals of Marketing Research covers all facets of marketing research including method, technique, and analysis at all levels. The methodological scope regarding research design, data collection techniques, and measurement is broad with three chapters devoted to the critical area of measurement and scaling. The presentation is from primarily a pragmatic and user-oriented perspective which aides the student to evaluate the research presented to them. This text explores cutting-edge technologies and new horizons while ensuring students have a thorough grasp of research fundamentals.

Key Features

* Contains a wealth of modern methods and techniques not found in competing texts* Provides numerous illustrative cases at the end of each section* Integrates international marketing research throughout instead of placing it in a separate chapter* Has a full chapter devoted to the essential topic of online research* An Instructor′s Manual on CD-ROM provides instructors with examination questions, additional background material on discussion questions in the text, and other helpful aids

Fundamentals of Marketing Research has been bundled at no additional cost to the students, with a license to use to prepare and distribute an online survey.

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