Health Visiting

By Anne Robotham, Marion Frost

Health Visiting
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This book is an essential resource for health visiting students that reflects the key changes required of health visiting practice at the beginning of the new millennium. It is a key text for specialist practitioner programmes and also for existing practitioners who are furthering their practice and academic development. It brings together the elements of theory and practice which are essential to health visiting practice. The book is research based and uses relevant evidence to support discussions. A particular strength is the use of case studies and practice examples to illustrate the theoretical discussions.
  • Comprehensive coverage of all areas of health visiting practice will give the new practitioner confidence
  • Case studies help to relate the theory to practice
  • The up to date evidence base includes the latest research
  • The wide range of contributors ensures that the content is written by experts in their field
  • Coverage of aggression and violence, the needs of ethnic minorities, and complementary therapies reflects the growing role of the HV in relation to contemporary issues
  • Fully updated throughout to reflect changes in practice including re-organisation of the health care service, changes in social policy, child protection and nurse prescribing.
  • New chapters on Working with individuals and families; Working with social groups and communities; Working with socially excluded groups; Quality improvement through leading and managing change; and Nurse prescribing.
  • Content reorganised to reflect changes in emphasis of various issues in practice
  • Addition of useful websites for further information

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