Here is a book that was neither written by a human nor dictated by the Holy Spirit to a human. It is the perspective of an angel, a disinterested third party who is neither human nor divine.
Augie is a working angel who, like most angels, troubleshoots and serves God as a messenger, guardian, avenger, chaperone—you name it, Augie has done it.
For reasons unknown, Augie’s superiors select him to write a book, giving him no reason and no guidelines. Augie figures it must be to help humans understand the spirit world a little better. It was strange that Augie was selected because he takes a rather dim view of the human species. He feels that the sacrifice of Jesus to purchase mankind was like a human who spent a fortune to buy the Brooklyn Bridge. Being a good angel, however, he takes to his task willingly and digs into his case files—reports that all angels must submit following encounters with humans. He includes an after-action summary as a sort of debrief in which he records the important details that he feels humans are too ignorant to see on their own. The result is this book. Since heaven submitted it for publication, I guess they think Augie did an okay job.