As a killer battles haunting fl ashbacks that transform reasoning into weakness, revenge devours his soul like cancer, rotting his life and his perception of the world around him. While his growing vengeance targets one man, he creates a game of chess to trap and kill his victim. As he spirals out of control, the killer allows revenge to be his master, creating a labyrinth of death that imprisons his mind.
It is 1989twenty years after Vic Morenos second tour in Vietnam as a special ops agent known for getting the job done and bringing his men back alive. Now a respected FBI special agent, Morenos new assignment leads him back to his hometown of Greenfield, Massachusetts, where three brutal murders have recently taken place. After the killer demands that Moreno lead the investigation or more will die, Moreno realizes that clues have been purposely left for him. As the chess game begins, Moreno changes the rules in an attempt to save a delusional murderer from himself, even as his own instincts to kill begin to overtake his life.
In this gripping tale of survival, an FBI agent hot on the trail of a determined killer must battle internal demons while trying to stop another tortured soul from taking more innocent victims down with him.