Grow Healthy Kids!

By Linda S. Peavy, Andrea L. Pagenkopf

Grow Healthy Kids!
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Abstract: A parent's guide to family nutrition emphasizes the importance of parental, psychological, and social influences on the development of lifetime eating habits. People who feed infants, children, or adolescents should recognize the importance of good diet for physical and mental growth and development. Nutrient needs, nutrition-related problems and eating patterns of children from birth through age 19 are discussed. A basic food exchange plan for optimum nutrition is presented to help family members meet RDA's. Parents are encouraged to discover their own ways of following nutritional guidelines. Influences on mealtime behavior are examined, and height-weight charts are given for each age group. Topics discussed are breast vs. bottle feeding, hyperactivity, school lunches, diets for athletes, borderline nutrient deficiencies, metabolic problems, energy expenditure, snacks, dental caries, etc. Appendices include 6 exchange lists, a chart for converting recipes to exchange values, a week of menus for well-fed families, and over 50 recipes. (nm.

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