After almost 20 years of working with women dealing with anxiety and stress. Nancy Jane Smith found that one thing that prevents us from feeling happier is how we talk to ourselves The voice that talks the loudest, is the Monger, who tricks us into beating ourselves up to become a "better" version of ourselves. The Happier Approach is a simple way to quiet the Monger, be kind to yourself and become more accomplished and productive Through humor and storytelling Nancy Jane will share:
- How to unhook the belief that being kind to yourself will make you soft and cut your competitive advantage.
- The 3 characters that influence your ability to be happier.
- When your Monger has taken over and what to do next.
- Why your BFF can steer you in the wrong direction.
- How to unleash your Biggest Fan so you can make decisions for your life without shame, or guilt and be genuinely happier.
You don't need to stay in survival mode. You just need a different approach...The Happier Approach