Comprehensive coverage of developments in the real world of IT management, provides a realistic and up-to-date view of IT management in the current business environment
Information Technology for Management provides students in all disciplines with a solid understanding of IT concepts, terminology, and the critical drivers of business sustainability, performance, and growth. Employing a blended learning approach that presents content visually, textually, and interactively, this acclaimed textbook helps students with different learning styles easily comprehend and retain information. Throughout the text, the authors provide real-world insights on how to support the three essential components of business process improvements: people, processes, and technology.
Information Technology for Management integrates a wealth of classroom-tested pedagogical tools, including 82 real-world cases highlighting the successes and failures of IT around the world, interactive exercises and activities, whiteboard animations for each learning objective, high-quality illustrations and images, boxed sections highlighting various job roles in IT management and giving examples of how readers will use IT in their career as a marketing, accounting, finance, human resource management, productions and operations management, strategic management, or information technology professional, or as an entrepreneur, and illustrative innovative uses of information technology.
Now in its thirteenth edition, this leading textbook incorporates the latest developments in the field of IT management, based on feedback from practitioners from top-tier companies and organizations. New topics include Network-as-a-Service (NaaS), hybrid cloud, cryptocurrency, intent-based networking, edge analytics, digital twin technology, natural language generation, and many more. New “How will YOU use IT” boxes directly inform students in all majors about how IT will impact their careers.
Equipping readers with the knowledge they need to become better IT professionals and more informed users of IT, Information Technology for Management, Thirteenth Edition, is the perfect textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses on computer information systems or management information systems, general business and IT curriculum, and corporate-in-house-training or executive programs in all industry sectors.
This textbook includes access to an interactive, multimedia e-text. Icons throughout the print book signal corresponding digital content in the e-text.