Skills for Successful 21st Century School Leaders

By John Hoyle, Fenwick W. English, Betty E. Steffy

Skills for Successful 21st Century School Leaders
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This guide presents a description of the standards and related skills school leaders must master and apply. Since every school leader needs a well-defined philosophy to make decisions, the guide emphasizes philosophical, performance, and ethical dimensions of school leadership. The book's 10 chapters address such issues as visionary leadership, including the skills and disposition needed to lead others to peak performance; the political skills needed for school governance in a democracy; the proficiency in communication and community relations required for articulating a vision; the skills in organizational management; insights on developing a curriculum design and delivery system for diverse school communities; expertise in instructional management and the development of a data-based student-achievement system; the related need to focus on staff evaluation and staff development; the knowledge that school leaders need to make the most of educational research, evaluation, and planning; and the importance of understanding and modeling appropriate value systems, ethics, and moral leadership. Two appendices offer an overview of major advances in standard settings and an overview of future trends. (RJM)

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