Expanding Perception

By Klaus Heinemann, Gundi Heinemann

Expanding Perception
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This book gives an easy to read, grounded and visionary presentation of a scientist's view of the spiritual reality. The reader will sense anew the awe and wonder of life. The book will inspire and empower to a fulfilled life within the "Grand Original Design." Physicist Klaus Heinemann describes the spiritual reality as counterpart to the physical reality, both of which are seen as parts of an all-encompassing Oneness - the divine reality, the Grand Original Design. Together with his wife Gundi Heinemann, an educator and healing arts practitioner, Klaus discusses valuable practical conclusions about topics like the evolution of conscious consciousness, the permanence of souls, reincarnation, synchronicity, premonitions, the law of attraction, prayer, and spirit-directed healing. The book reminds the reader of the innate healing ability, which everyone is gifted with. The authors present numerous healing stories experienced during their service as Guides to the Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil. Also, well known as orbs researchers, the authors present new, plausible explanations for the orb phenomenon in this book. Together with Dr. Miceal Ledwith, Dr. Heinemann previously co-authored "The Orb Project" (2007, Beyond Words - Atria - Simon & Schuster), and Klaus and Gundi Heinemann authored "Orbs, Their Mission and Messages of Hope" (2010, Hay House). Both of these prior books are available in numerous foreign languages. The book "Expanding Perception" is designed to expand the reader's perception of the fascinating Reality we are all part of. The reader-friendly presentation of the rich material includes a detailed table of contents, fitting quotes, and highlighted phrases marking key points. The book lends itself to browsing through the highlighted phrases and starting with those chapters that attract the reader's attention. The authors make use of easy to find footnotes containing supplementary information. An extensive Appendix gives further detailed background information and, most importantly, includes a Question/Answer section in which the authors present the important elements of the main text in very different, colloquial, easy to understand language. A reader might well opt to start the perusal of this book with this Q&A section and then skip to selected chapters. Klaus Heinemann holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the University of Tübingen, Germany. He worked in surface physics research at NASA, as Professor of Research at Stanford University, and founded and ran a scientific research corporation for several decades. Dr. Heinemann also co-founded a solar engineering firm and holds design patents for solar collectors and ozonators. Both authors have taught numerous human growth seminars and lectured internationally.

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