States' best big-brown-trout fisheries, yet somehow it
has managed to stay under the radar. Until now. Longtime
writer and flyfishing guide Don Kirk covers everything
in his all new guide book the Flyfisher's Guide to
Productive tailwaters like the Clinch River, South
Holston River and Watauga River are covered in full
detail, as are their tributaries and reservoirs. And Kirk
goes well beyond the major drainages, deep into the
Cherokee National Forest uncovering some gorgeous
gems that will give up trout for days.
From brook, brown and rainbow trout to bass
and panfish, Kirk covers all the gamefish. Hatch charts,
detailed maps, recommended flies, specialized techniques,
accommodations, sporting goods and fly
shops, restaurants and all other relevant information is
included. Kirk gives you tips from a lifetime of flyfishing
in Tennessee in this comprehensive volume.
If you're ready to give the tailwater pigs a shot,
or even if you just want to pluck some brookies from an
idyllic mountain brook, you'll want this book. Tennessee
is the next great destination - get in while you can.