The ultimate survival guide for medical students, interns, residents and fellows, Staying Human during Residency Training provides time-tested advice and the latest information on every aspect of a resident's life - from choosing a residency program, to coping with stress, enhancing self-care, and protecting personal and professional relationships.
Allan D. Peterkin, MD, provides hundreds of tips on how to cope with sleep deprivation, time pressures, and ethical and legal issues. This fifth edition features new, leading-edge information on enhancing personal resilience, planning one's career, pursuing leadership roles, and using new technologies to maximize learning. Presenting practical antidotes to cynicism, careerism, and burnout, Peterkin also offers guidance on fostering more empathic connection with patients and deepening relationships with colleagues, friends, and family.
Acknowledged by thousands of doctors across North America as an invaluable resource, Staying Human during Residency Training has helped to shape notions of trainee well-being for medical educators worldwide. Informative, compassionate, and professional, this new edition will again show why it is required reading for medical students and new physicians pursuing postgraduate training.