Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering

By M. Ghavami, Lachlan Michael, Ryuji Kohno

Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering
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Ultra Wideband (UWB) is the hot new topic in wireless communicationengineering today. High-speed communication over short distancesusing sub-nanosecond pulses, rather than conventional sinusoidalwaves, has paved the way for cheap wireless transceivers, capturingthe imagination of both academics and engineers in industry alike.Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems in CommunicationEngineering focuses on the basic signal processing thatunderlies current and future ultra wideband systems ensuring thistext will be essential reading even as UWB applications mature andchange or regulations regarding ultra wideband systems aremodified.
  • Provides everything you need to know about Ultra WidebandCommunications in one compact volume
  • Explains, in an easy to understand manner, the basics of UWBand its applications
  • Covers, in detail, the generation of UWB waveforms through tothe position and location of UWB signals
  • Discusses the issues that must be solved for UWB devices toexplode onto the consumer communication market
  • Includes examples and problems in each chapter to aidunderstanding
  • Features a companion website including Solutions manual, Matlabprograms, Electronic versions of the figures and a samplechapter

This enlightening text is a must for senior undergraduates andpostgraduate students interested in studying UWB, and the emphasison UWB development for commercial consumer communications productsmeans that any communication engineer or manager cannot afford tobe without it!

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