Ever-Victorious Army

By Andrew Wilson, Professor of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire Andrew Wilson

Ever-Victorious Army
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This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1868. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER XIV. THE MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS OF GORDON'S FORCE. RUDIMENTARY STATE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE IN CHINA ASSISTANTSURGEON MOFKITT'S SERVICES TO GORDON'S FORCE--CAPACITY OF THE CHINESE AS SOLDIERS -- MALARIA ORGANISATION OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT--HOSPITAL TABLES OF DISEASE--EFFECTS AND CURE OF OPIUM-SMOKING--DYSENTERY--TABLE OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION--CASES OF WOUNDS. It was a matter of great importance to introduce European medical arrangements into the force of disciplined Chinese which Colonel Gordon commanded. The Imperial army was not less defective in that respect than it was as regards drill or the use of arms; and medical science among the Chinese is still in a very rudimentary state. Surgery especially may be said to be almu3t entirely uoknown amongst tbem in all its branches, owing, to their prejudice against dissection of the dead; and their ideas as to the interior of the human body are of the most fanciful kind. It is also not usual for Chinese armies to trouble themselves much about soldiers who are seriously disabled; and the story goes that when, after the Convention of Peking the Mandarins were offered back the wounded prisoners who had been taken by our troops, they showed a disposition to refuse the offer, saying in effect, "Keep them; what should we do with them?" In setting to the Chinese an example in regard to this important matter, the commander of the Ever-Victorious Army found an able and zealous coadjutor in Mr A. Moffitt, an assistant-surgeon of H.M. 67 th Regiment, who was made his principal medical officer. In noticing the services of this gentleman, the 'Lancet' of the 11th August 1866 said that "it is impossible to over-estimate the good done by Dr Moffitt, not only to the force in which he served with so much distinction, but to...

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