The Most Influential Women in History: Over 100 Memoirs & Biographies
By Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Julia Ward Howe, Emmeline Pankhurst, Mother Jones, Helen Wright, Margaret Sanger, Helen Keller, Catherine H. Birney, Sarah H. Bradford
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e-artnow presents to you this meticulously edited collection of memoirs, biographies and stories about the most incredible women in history, their lives and their legacies:_x000D_ Eighty Years and More by Elizabeth Cady Stanton_x000D_ Helen Keller: The Story of My Life_x000D_ Harriet Tubman, the Moses of Her People_x000D_ Reminiscences by Julia Ward Howe_x000D_ My Own Story by Emmeline Pankhurst_x000D_ The Autobiography of Mother Jones _x000D_ Sweeper in the Sky: The Life of Maria Mitchell_x000D_ Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography_x000D_ The Life of Florence Nightingale _x000D_ The Grimké Sisters_x000D_ Roswitha the Nun_x000D_ Marie de France_x000D_ Mechthild of Magdeburg_x000D_ Countess of Artois_x000D_ Christine de Pisan_x000D_ Agnes Sorel_x000D_ Alcestis_x000D_ Antigone_x000D_ Iphigenia_x000D_ Paula_x000D_ Catherine Douglas_x000D_ Lady Jane Grey_x000D_ Flora Macdonald_x000D_ Madame Roland_x000D_ Grace Darling_x000D_ Sister Dora_x000D_ Florence Nightingale_x000D_ Lucretia_x000D_ Sappho_x000D_ Aspasia of Pericles_x000D_ Xantippe_x000D_ Aspasia of Cyrus_x000D_ Cornelia, the Mother of the Gracchi_x000D_ Portia_x000D_ Octavia_x000D_ Cleopatra_x000D_ Mariamne_x000D_ Julia Domna_x000D_ Zenobia_x000D_ Valeria_x000D_ Eudocia_x000D_ Hypatia_x000D_ The Wife of Maximus_x000D_ The Lady Rowena_x000D_ Olga_x000D_ The Lady Elfrida_x000D_ The Countess of Tripoli_x000D_ Jane, Countess of Mountfort_x000D_ Laura de Sade_x000D_ The Countess of Richmond_x000D_ Elizabeth Woodville_x000D_ Jane Shore_x000D_ Catharine of Arragon_x000D_ Augustina Saragoza_x000D_ Charlotte Brontë…_x000D_ Marie Antoinette_x000D_ Sarah Siddons_x000D_ Mrs Grant_x000D_ Elizabeth Inchbald_x000D_ Elizabeth Hamilton_x000D_ Countess de Vemieiro_x000D_ Joanna Baillie_x000D_ Josephine_x000D_ Anne Radcliffe_x000D_ Miss Edgeworth_x000D_ Charlotte Corday_x000D_ Madame de Stael_x000D_ Madame de la Rochejaquelein_x000D_ Madame Recamier_x000D_ Mary Brunton_x000D_ Felicia Hemans_x000D_ Augustina Saragoza_x000D_ Charlotte Bronte_x000D_ Queen Anne_x000D_ Esther Johnson_x000D_ Esther Vanhomrigh_x000D_ Mary Astell_x000D_ Madame des Ursins_x000D_ Lady Grizel Jerviswoode_x000D_ Madame de Pontchartrain_x000D_ Elizabeth Halkett_x000D_ Lady Mary Wortley Montagu_x000D_ Madame du Deffand_x000D_ Phœbe Bentley_x000D_ Marquise du Chatelet_x000D_ Lady Huntingdon_x000D_ Flora Macdonald_x000D_ Madame Roland_x000D_ Grace Darling_x000D_ Sister Dora_x000D_ Maria Theresa_x000D_ Meta Moller_x000D_ Elizabeth Blackwell_x000D_ Lætitia Barbauld_x000D_ Hannah More_x000D_ Anna Seward_x000D_ Catherine Cockburn_x000D_ Elizabeth Berkeleigh...