Seeding the Positive Anthropocene

By Philip McShane, James Duffy, Robert Henman, Terrance Quinn

Seeding the Positive Anthropocene
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There is a growing interest in the character and the challenge of the Anthropocene. Although efforts to pin down beginning dates of this epoch have been debated, there is a broad consensus that humanity is facing an unprecedented challenge to surviving on Earth, a challenge which humans have created ourselves. Undeniably, we have had and continue to have impacts on the planet as a whole. These include ravaging bushfires and unprecedented flooding caused by climate change, spiking levels of carbon dioxide levels, and widespread loss of biodiversity.

The challenge has been expressed in various ways: the larger challenges of climate change or ocean garbage toxicity, the subtler challenges that would support such large efforts by cultivating a new aesthetic. The present book asks of us to reach for the deeper grounding of all such efforts. Perhaps that asking is best hinted at by pluralizing the word character in a paradoxical non-question: “What is to be the 'character' of the characters transforming the Anthropocene from its present negativity to a positive period of human flourishing.”

What is missing, what we are in the dark about, is the apparently simple turn that would have us asking, “What’s what?”

The focus must be concrete: so we are to think of miners and farmers and reformers and economists and educators, but primarily of ourselves as whats.

Might we begin the positive Anthropocene’s success by beginning to sow what comprehendingly?