This is the story of a girl who grew up with no idea what she wanted from life. Despite ups and downs she slowly became aware of her real purpose in life and learned to use her gifts to improve herself and make a difference in the lives of all of those with whom she came in contact.
In 1969 while completing my studies in Canada, I met a man who would eventually become my husband in later years. A year later we separated when I returned to my home country, Trinidad.
After a 7-year separation we reunited by a strange series of events and got married in 1977.
This is a story of our reunion with some details provided by my husband. It has been a source of wonder and disbelief to all who have heard it over the years. Many of them advised us to write a book and this is the result.
My experiences over those seven years seemed incomplete so I decided to include other details of my life both before and after the events that took place over the seven years.