Lake County Illinois Fishing & Floating Guide Book

By Jim Maccracken

Lake County Illinois Fishing & Floating Guide Book
Available for 15.95 USD
Lake County Illinois Fishing & Floating Guide Book 

 Over 821 full 8 ½ x 11 sized pages of information with maps and aerial photographs available.  Fishing information is included for ALL of the county’s public ponds and lakes, listing types of fish for each pond or lake, average sizes, and exact locations with GPS coordinates and directions.  Also included is fishing information for most of the streams and rivers including access points and public areas with road contact and crossing points and also includes fish types and average sizes.  


NEW NEW Now with a complete set of  11 full sized U.S.G.S. Topographical Maps for the entire county that normally cost from $12.00 to $14.00 each but are included on the disk for FREE.   These maps are complete full sized 7.5 minute series quadrangle maps in 1:24,000 scale maps.


Contains complete information on


Acorn Lake

Asbury Park Pond

Banana Lake

Bangs Lake

Beaver Lake

Bevier Park Lagoon

Big & Little Beaver Lakes

Bluff Lake

Buffalo Creek Reservoir

Butler Lake

Cambridge Park Lake

Cedar Lake

Cedar Valley Park Lake

Channel Lake

Charles E Brown Park Lake

Community Park Pond

Countryside West Park Pond

Cuba Marsh Forest Preserve Lake

Danny Cuniff Park Pond

Deep Lake

Deerpath Park Lakes

Des Plaines Lake

Des Plaines River (*)

Diamond Lake

Duck Hill Farm F P Lake

Dugdale Lake

Edina Park Pond

Everett Park Pond

Foleys Pond

Fourth Lake

Fox Lake

Fox River (*)

Gages Lake

Gateway Park Pond

Grant Woods Forest Preserve Lake

Grass Lake

Grays Lake

Grayslake Park Ponds

Grosse Point Park Ponds

Half Day Pond

Heron Pond

Hunt Club Park Pond

Indian Creek (*)

Lagoon Park Lake

Lake Carina

Lake Catherine

Lake Charles

Lake Linden

Lake Marie

Lake Michigan

Lake Xila Township Park Pond

Lake Zurich

Langendorf Park Pond

Larry Fink Memorial Park Pond

Long Lake Park Lake

Loreli Park Pond

Mill Creek

Nippersink Creek (*)

Nippersink Lake

Old School Lake

Paradise Park Pond

Pederson Park Pond

Peterson Park Lake

Petite Lake

Pickerel Lake

Piskatee Lake

Pulaski Lake

Redhead Lake

Reed Turner Woodlands Lake

Robert Depke Center Park Pond

Rollins Savannah Forest Preserve Lake

Roosevelt Park Lake

Round Lake

Rudd Farm Park Lake

Rule Park Pond

Sand Lake

Sand Pond

Sequoit Creek (*)

Shiloh Park Pond

Spring Lake Pond

Squaw Creek (*)

Squire Park Pond

Sterling Lake

Steve Sherwood Memorial Park Pond

Taylor Lake

Third Lake

Trevor Creek (*)

Turner Lake

Village Park

Wadsworth Park Lake

Willow Stream Park Lake

Wright Woods Forest Preserve Pond


(*) are floatable or canoeable rivers)






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