Moral Decay

By Alex McFarland

Moral Decay
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While everyone is arguing over issues, the real fight is being lost.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident..." Or do we? For decades well-meaning Christians have been fighting the culture war. Sadly, it seems we're losing the fight. We have failed to defend what matters most. The real threat to our Christian faith and values is not abortion, gay marriage, terrorism, or the radical Left. Alex McFarland reveals the fatal flaw nobody is talking about: we've abandoned natural law, allowing secular culture to redefine truth and dismantle the Judeo-Christian foundation of America. But the good news is, it's not too late In Moral Decay you'll learn the following:
  • Why having moral absolutes matters, and what is at stake when they are removed
  • What you need to teach your children in preschool, grade school, and high school to equip them to defend their faith and values
  • Why Generation Z could be the last definable generation, and what you need to know about them
  • How to assess your choices, talents, and spiritual calling so you can be more effective
We owe it to our children and grandchildren to put a stop to the political, social, and spiritual fallout created by those who wish to remove all absolutes and pave the way for anarchy. Praying is powerful, but we're called to do more. Standing up for the issues is great, but there's a deeper problem we have to solve. It's time to shore up the belief in moral, natural laws and truth before it's too late.

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