Essential Results in Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry
By Alexander N. Goloshchapov, Gennadiĭ Efremovich Zaikov, Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanov
Available for 129 USD
The contents included in this book are: Preface; Spin Probes for the Study of Intact and Cancer Cell Membranes; Sulphur as a Stabiliser of Polyvinylchloride; Universality of Free Energies Linearity Principle in Solution Chemistry; The KBr Action on the rate of H2O2 Decomposition in Alkaline Medium; Fireproof Materials containing Nanostructures: Principles of Formation; Fireproof Intumescent Coating Foamcoke Structure Regulation by Carbon Metal-containing Nanostructures; Upholstery Fire Barriers based on Natural Fibres; Structural Criterion on Change of a Kinetic Curves Type in the Process of a Thermooxidative Degradation; and Alternative View at the Universe. It also includes: Effect of the Cationic Polyelectrolyte Molecular Mass on the Flocculation Kinetics and the Efficiency of Polymer Precipitation from Latexes; Co-polymers with Cyclic Fragments in Dimethylsiloxane Backbone(O; Fractal Physics of the Polycondensation Processes; The Problem of Structural-Physical Organisation of Polymeric Non-Crystalline Phase; and Physical and Semi-Empirical Methods of Solvent Influence on Solute Behaviour.