Up-to-date coverage of bridge design and analysis revised to reflect the fifth edition of the AASHTO LRFD specifications
Design of Highway Bridges, Third Edition offers detailed coverage of engineering basics for the design of short- and medium-span bridges. Revised to conform with the latest fifth edition of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, it is an excellent engineering resource for both professionals and students. This updated edition has been reorganized throughout, spreading the material into twenty shorter, more focused chapters that make information even easier to find and navigate. It also features:
From gaining a quick familiarity with the AASHTO LRFD specifications to seeking broader guidance on highway bridge design Design of Highway Bridges is the one-stop, ready reference that puts information at your fingertips, while also serving as an excellent study guide and reference for the U.S. Professional Engineering Examination.