Flash Math Creativity

By Jared Tarbell, Mary Ann Tan, Fay Rhodes, Keith Peters, Kip Parker, Connor McDonald, Ty Lettau, Brandon Williams, Paul Prudence, Ken Jokol, Pavel Kaluzhny, JD Hooge, David Hirmes, Gabriel Mulzer

Flash Math Creativity
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It all revolves around Flash and math. It's what you do in your spare time: just take little ideas and mess around with them. This is a book of inspiration, beautiful enough to leave on the coffee table, but addictive enough to keep by your computer and sneak out while no-one's looking so you can go back to that movie that you were tinkering with 'til three o'clock this morning. It's a fun book.

It's a book of iterative experiments, generative design. Each author does four experiments. Each experiment takes up four pages. We give you the code and explain the essence, then you take away your inspiration and run with it. The purpose of the book is to learn through experimentation because you are inspired to do so, not because someone is telling you to do so.

Follow the fmc site link for more information.