Studies in 2 Kings

By Dennis Dinger

Studies in 2 Kings
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The book of 2 Kings is the last of the four books originally known as The Books of Kings. These books cover the decline of Jewish society from the times of the judges, through the times of the kings of Israel and Judah, to the captivities of all the children of Israel in Babylonia and Assyria. This history of Israel mirrors the history of modern society. At one point in Jewish history, worship of the Lord God was dominant. But as time passed, worship of the Lord God was gradually replaced by idolatry and worship of heathen gods and idols. Just as the Lord waited for the people of Israel to call upon Him for rescue and salvation from their captors, the Lord today is waiting for mankind to tire of their captivity to sin and to call upon Him for rescue and salvation! . . . and when they do, He will respond and save them!

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