Mining the Meaning of the Bible

By Sallie Latkovich

Mining the Meaning of the Bible
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Mining the Meaning of the Bible: Beyond the Literal Word is a simple guide for middle grade students to get to the meaning and message of the scriptures. It answers many questions including:

  • What is the Bible?
  • How did the books of the Bible come to be written?
  • What are some of the more commonly used words and what do they mean?
  • How do the cultures in which the Bible passages were written compare to now?
  • And why is it important?

Mining the Meaning of the Bible is perfect for pre-teens through confirmation classes. This great resource uses graphical representations to aid in learning in ways that appeal to this age group. It includes:

  • Maps of places mentioned and other key locations of the time period
  • Tables that list books of the Bible, and symbols of numbers or places found throughout the Bible with their meaning
  • Timelines
  • References to the Catechism of the Catholic Churchreferences.

Mining the Meaning of the Bible goes beneath the literal words of the Bible. It mines the true riches of God's message.


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