The Open Door has become an integral part of China's economicdevelopment strategy since the late 1970's, and, not surprisingly,it has aroused considerable interest in developed countries. This bookgives a sympathetic but critical survey of this policy, with particularattention to the problems that have prevented the Open Door from beingimplemented as rapidly as first intended.
Placing the open door policy within a larger policy context, theauthors focus on debates within China over such key issues as thechoice of a management system, the choice between balanced andunbalanced growth, and between various patterns of income distribution.They deal with institutional mechanisms recently established to attractforeign technology and capital and to encourage a more flexible Chineseresponse to increased interdependence with capitalist economies.
Based on a variety of published sources and on extensive interviewsconducted in China, this book is an important contribution to thegrowing body of literature on the Chinese economy and will prove avaluable reference for foreign exporters, investors, policy makers andChina specialists.