Learn to Do Right. Seek Justice. Defend the Oppressed.
God's justice, his "setting things right," is a foundational principle of the Bible. This NIV Bible traces His plan for justice to triumph from Genesis to Revelation, and explores this theme that forms the backbone of Scripture. God's plan is to restore the flourishing of creation and to see the end of evil, and every book of the Bible is infused with hints of this powerful and redemptive process.
Designed to inform and inspire, NIV God's Justice: The Holy Bible carefully addresses the timeless and universal issues around injustice. Written by a team of international writers who bring a global perspective to these issues, NIV God's Justice: The Holy Bible is designed to fire readers’ passion for social justice and take positive steps to bring justice issues to light in their own circle of influence. The writers come from every continent, representing organizations such as the International Justice Mission, Compassion and World Vision. Well-Known UK and US contributors include Kirsh Kandiah, Tim Stafford, Andy Crouch, Ron Sider, and Joel Edwards. However you understand justice currently, you will be encouraged to learn that there is even more to God's perspective on justice than you thought.