Praise for the previous edition:"...essential...engagingly presented...truly a one-stop source...This work resource continues to be a key library resource, highly recommended for high school, public, and academic libraries."
&151Booklist "A superb tool for integrating multiple sources of vocational information; a solid resource for libraries and career centers."
—Choice "A comprehensive, interesting, and virtually unbeatable career investigation tool."
—The Book Report "Continues to be one of the standard tools for libraries in the area of career development."
—American Reference Books Annual Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance—now in its thirteenth edition&151remains the most comprehensive career reference in print. Now expanded into five volumes, this unparalleled resource has been fully revised and updated to contain the most accurate and current career information available.
This edition features:- Completely up-to-date overviews of 93 industries
- 741 completely revised and updated career articles
- 62 brand-new career articles
- More than 300 on-the-job interviews
- More than 220 new sidebars, providing additional reading on industry issues and history, useful Web sites, industry jargon, and much more
- Approximately 550 photographs of people on the job, 128 new to this edition
- More than 500 additional pages
- Career articles keyed to four different government classification systems
- More than 2,500 Web sites listed for further information
- Career Guidance section in Volume 1, providing information on interviewing, job hunting, networking, writing resumes, and more.
The five-volume
Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, Thirteenth Edition is an essential resource for public, college, high school, and junior high school libraries; career centers; guidance offices; and other agencies involved with career exploration. More than 700 articles have been revised and updated since the last edition to reflect accurate, up-to-date career information.
Along with revisions and updates to all articles, included here are more than 60 new career articles and more than 100 new photographs. Each article offers expanded career information, sidebars, and other user-friendly features. Receiving prominent treatment in this edition are the top 10 fastest-growing careers and the top 10 careers that experts predict will add the greatest number of positions through the year 2012.
Extensive online references and on-the-job interviewsMore than 2,500 Web sites, selected for inclusion based on the quality of information they provide, are listed in the career articles and refer users to professional associations, government agencies, and other organizations. More than 300 on-the-job interviews ranging from worker profiles to daily routines to workers' comments about their occupation are also included in major career articles. Designed to hold students' attention and relay information effectively, this edition of
Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance is the ideal starting place for career research.
Volume 1Volume 1 contains two major sections,
Career Guidance and
Career Fields, as well as appendixes and indexes.
Career Guidance is divided into four parts:- Preparing for Your Career: Presents information on choosing a career, starting a career, assessment tests, personal skills, occupational classification systems, training for job entry, and career development
- Finding a Job: Covers information on placement offices, job fairs, networking and references, searching the Web, and classified ads
- Applying for a Job: Gives information on resumes, cover letters, career portfolios and credentials, and interviewing
- You're Hired: Features information on salary and wages, fringe benefits, personnel management, employment laws, and employees' rights.
Career Fields articles include an overview of the 93 industries covered, including in-depth information on computer software, construction, entrepreneurs, military services, telecommunications, trucking, and more; four sections covering the background, structure, and outlook of each career field; and additional resources for further investigation.
Volume 1 also includes two appendixes—Career Resources and Associations for Individuals with Disabilities and Internships, Apprenticeships, and Training Programs—and six indexes. Career articles are indexed by four government classification systems: the
Dictionary of Occupational Titles, the
Guide for Occupational Exploration, the Canadian National Occupational Classification System, and the O*NET-SOC.
The fifth index, the Organization and Website Index, provides an alphabetical listing of all the organizations and agencies found at the end of each career article. The sixth index, the Job Title Index, is found in all five volumes, making it easy to refer from one volume to another.
Volumes 2 to 5Volumes 2 through
5 contain the career articles, listed from A to Z. Each career article includes:
- Quick Facts: summarizes important facts
- Overview: briefly defines the occupation
- History: provides background on how the occupation developed
- Job Description: offers an in-depth description of the types of specific jobs in the field
- Job Requirements: discusses any necessary training or education
- Exploring: suggests various ways to further explore the field
- Employers: looks at who hires people in the industry
- Starting Out: suggests where to look for employment
- Advancement: tells how people can move up the ladder
- Earnings: gives current salaries and wages
- Work Environment: describes the work setting
- Outlook: looks at the future growth of the career based on U.S. government projections
- For More Information: presents a list of organizations that can provide further information.