Bridge tips to end all bridge tips. When should you open light? Which hands are worth an opening bid in the third seat, or in the fourth seat? What types of opening leads work best in the long run? How can you tell your partner what to lead with during the auction? When should you bid 6NT and when should you bid six of a suit? How can you prevent the defenders from promoting an extra trump trick? How can you survive a bad trump break? What sort of false card is most likely to mislead a defender? In his latest book, '52 Great Bridge Tips' (one for each week of the year), David Bird presents the answers to these and many other questions. In his usual clear and entertaining style, Bird explains how you can tackle many situations that are mishandled time and again by the average player. Absorb just a few of these tips into your game and your results will improve noticeably. Add all 52 into your armoury and...well, who knows what will happen?