Nine thousand years ago, Mamalujo was a Chronicler living and working at Kinoomaagewaapkong, “the rocks that teach,” in what modern maps identify as Woodview, Ontario. He was the first technical writer. A poor hunter, afraid of the dark, born with twelve toes, Mamalujo was known as mayagenim, “quarefella,” “weirdo.” When the odoodem’s chieftain demanded that Mamalujo depict him on the Teaching Rock, an offense against the gods, Mamalujo produced a work of mocking satire. The chieftain fired Mamalujo as Chronicler, banishing him from the odoodem—a veritable death sentence. Mamalujo’s friend, the medicine man, was distraught. The woman Mamalujo secretly loved, Gracealujo (and who secretly loved him) was heartbroken. What ensued, however, as Mamalujo wandered out beyond the Anishinaabe hunting grounds, was a process of survival, discovery, and resurrection.