The Season of the Snoid

By Robert Crumb

The Season of the Snoid
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Back in print after a several year absence and with R. Crumb's popularityhigher than ever in the wake of the bestselling R. Crumb's Genesis, thisvolume of The Complete Crumb Comics showcase several key years in Crumb'scareer.

Vol. 13 showcases the late 1970s, when Crumb's character the Snoidfirst appeared. That Crumb creation is a devilish imp, all id and no conscience,that some say is an alter ego of Crumb. Other highlights here include earlycollaborations with the late Harvey Pekar and a color section of covers Crumbdrew for records by old-time blues and jazz musicians that beautifully conveyhis nostalgia for America's musical past. It also includes one of Crumb's mostacclaimed works, “A Short History of America,” whose 12 panels chart thenation's progress — or deterioration — from unspoiled pastoral landscape to astrip mall wasteland. Crumb's brother Maxon, whom viewers of the documentaryfilm Crumb will remember as an impecunious yogi who sleeps on a bed ofnails, contributes an idiosyncratic introduction offering a unique perspectiveon Robert's early years.

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