Tales2Inspire The Ruby Collection

By Lois Stern, John Graden, Stephen Hernandez, Cami Ann Hofstadter, PH D, Cami Hofstadter, Kathy Andrews, Jack Adler, Ray Tapia, Ashley Howland, Melaney Bowles, Beth Smithem, Cara Achterberg, Cheryl Stewart, Winter Vinecki, Rod DiGruttolo, Maria Jordan, James Osborne

Tales2Inspire The Ruby Collection
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EXPANDED AND REVISED, 2018This book is filled with stories of compassion flowing not just from humans, but from some of our furred and feathered friends as well. Through these stories we discover that among all living creatures there is evidence of an emotional connection, and often a response, to others in time of need. Read Beth Smithem's story, Rae, the Stray to discover what lengths a human will go to when she falls in love with a needy, stray dog. Read Maria Jordan's story, When Compassion Replaces Fear to discover how a nurse with a compassionate heart and nurturing spirit is able to gain the trust of an actively psychotic woman, helping her reenter society as a productive being. Read Ray Tapia's story, From Dungeon to Dignity to learn about his personal transformation from a life of crime to total rehabilitation - all because of a warden at the Nebraska Penitentiary, who believed that not all prisoners are doomed and took positive steps to rehabilitate as any as possible. Although these and many more stories in this collection contain feelings of warmth, tenderness, sensitivity or concern for the plight of another, compassion needs to extend beyond simply feelings, to acting on those feelings in some positive way. And herein lies the powerful gift of each inspiring story in this book - stories of compassion fulfilled, actions taken and results achieved to satisfy the best that lies within us.