
By Mark Fuson

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Darwin Foster has become a werewolf through unknown means, and with each passing day his bloodlust is growing.

The young man, damaged through years of abuse and neglect, is ready to exact his revenge on his home town of New Haven. As his lycanthropic desire consumes him, Darwin begins his slaughter. Through his own carelessness he finds himself under investigation by the local police and he knows they will soon arrest him.

In one rash decision, to prevent his incarceration, Darwin begins making more werewolves, starting with the police investigators. Before long Darwin finds himself in the leadership role of an ever expanding pack of hungry werewolves.

Feeling superior, Darwin, with the help of his council of wolves, makes a plan to take over the entire town, eliminating anyone seen as unworthy of receiving the gift of lycanthropy. A list of citizens is drawn up and soon the undesirable humans of New Haven find themselves being rounded up and sent to a make shift detention center in the abandoned coal mine called Special Handling. Here they wait for their invitation to dinner.

Evolution of the Species has begun! Which side will you be selected for?

Look for the exciting sequel to Darwinism with Wolf Asylum to be released in 2014!

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