Improve your grasp of contemporary European marketing issues with these fascinating case studies and analyses!
From the editor:
Europe is not a homogenous mass market. It is rather a heterogeneous market with substantial regional, country, and individual market differences. There are three major sub-markets: European Union (EU) countries, European Free Trade Area (EFTA) countries, and Eastern/Central European (ECE) countries (accession countries). Ten of these countries joined the EU on May 1st, 2004. These countries offer tremendous market opportunities for other European countries, as there is a strong demand in these ten countries for various products and services. Very soon, we will be witnessing the emergence of an enlarged Europe with high market and investment potential.
This resource examines marketing practices and consumer behavior in several EU countries, plus one EFTA country and one Associate EU member country. With conceptual frameworks, case studies, analytical insights into European marketing issues, empirical data, and propositions for future testing, European Perspectives in Marketing presents clear, understandable writing on: