Scour at Wide Piers and Long Skewed Piers

By Donald Max Sheppard, Huseyin Demir, Bruce W. Melville

Scour at Wide Piers and Long Skewed Piers
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TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 682: Scour at Wide Piers and Long Skewed Piers explores recommendations for a predictive equation for equilibrium local scour and a potential equation for predicting scour evolution rates at wide piers and skewed piers. The equations are designed to help provide better estimates of local scour and scour evolution rates than those predicted by currently available equations. Such estimates have the potential to reduce over-predictions and the unwarranted need for countermeasures. Appendixes A through E for NCHRP Report 682 provide further elaboration on the work performed in this project. The appendixes are only available online.

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