Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children

By Committee on Developing a Research Agenda on the Education of Limited English Proficient and Bilingual Students, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council and Institute of Medicine

Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children
Available for 50 USD
How do we effectively teach children from homes in which a language other than English is spoken?
In Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children, a committee of experts focuses on this central question, striving toward the construction of a strong and credible knowledge base to inform the activities of those who educate children as well as those who fund and conduct research.
The book reviews a broad range of studies--from basic ones on language, literacy, and learning to others in educational settings. The committee proposes a research agenda that responds to issues of policy and practice yet maintains scientific integrity.
This comprehensive volume provides perspective on the history of bilingual education in the United States; summarizes relevant research on development of a second language, literacy, and content knowledge; reviews past evaluation studies; explores what we know about effective schools and classrooms for these children; examines research on the education of teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse students; critically reviews the system for the collection of education statistics as it relates to this student population; and recommends changes in the infrastructure that supports research on these students.
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