Prostate Cancer

By Ashutosh K. Tewari, Peter Whelan, John D. Graham

Prostate Cancer
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Do you manage patients with prostatecancer? 

Could you use an expert guide examining all possiblemanagement options?

Prostate Cancer: diagnosis and clinical managementprovidesurologists and oncologists of all levels with up-to-date,evidence-based guidance to the diagnosis, treatment and clinicalmanagement of a disease which accounts for a quarter of all cancersaffecting men.

Designed to be as practical and accessible as possible, leadingexperts discuss key issues in prostate cancer management andexamine how to deliver best practice in the clinical care of theirpatients.  Topics covered include:

  • What must be considered when counseling newly-diagnosed cancerpatients
  • Radical surgery options for prostate cancer
  • Novel therapies for localized prostate cancer
  • How should metastatic prostate cancer be diagnostic andmanaged
  • What are the best methods of administering end of life care forthe patient

Brought to you by a highly experienced editor team, andcontaining key points, management algorithms, practice tips and thelatest AUA and EAU clinical guidelines, this is the idealconsultation tool for doctors both on the wards and in theoffice.

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