Extreme Sport distinguishes the life of Helmut Linzbichler. For decades he’s pursued ultrarunning, mountain climbing, climbing and skiing with a passion. He is the oldest European to stand on top of Everest, climbed all Seven Summits, ran 135 miles through Death Valley in the Badwater Ultramarathon, and 2,600 miles across the USA in the Transamerica run. Exploring his own limits physical as well as mental - is this Austrian’s lifeblood.
To what extent is his childhood responsible for his longing for extremes? Was sport just a way for him to be noticed, a replacement for the father’s love he never experienced? Is his adventurous lifestyle more than anything else an escape after the death of his pregnant wife? How did Helmut’s life change as a result of his cancer diagnosis and nearly losing his life on Everest?
“Adventure Unlimited” tells of intense passions and of striving toward seemingly unreachable goals. It’s a story of powerful successes, but also of dealing with defeat and calamity. True to the motto “Life is way too short for someday,” Helmut Linzbichler knows from his own experience: It is never too late to live your dreams - no matter how old you are.