Your Prescription for Health and Healing
Untold millions daily confront the agony of debilitating symptoms, chronic pain, even terminal disease. Do you—or someone you love—suffer with sickness? You can be well! You just need to know how healing works and how to receive it.
In Healing School, renowned 20th-century divine healing minister Lillian B. Yeomans, M.D. shares scriptural truths to help you get free, remain free, and bring freedom to others bound by disease. A medical doctor who received a miraculous healing herself, Dr. Yeomans traces God's will to heal through the Bible, unpacking keen insights, practical instructions, and powerful testimonies that show you how to take hold of your healing and administer healing to others. This three-part collection includes:
Enroll today in Healing School with Dr. Yeomans and graduate with health and healing throughout your body!