This Book “ My God And Me, Poetry In Motion “, is dedicated to the Greatest God of all gods. Who never give up on us, who even took the form of a man and died for Me and You, and who also never fail to keep His Universe operating at all times.
As Well This book of Christian Poems is dedicated to all believers around the world, who do not have a voice. And also do not know how to express their heart, and praise God the right way day and night.
I also wrote those “ Spiritual Poems, ” in order for You to be able to take Your rightful place in God's Throne room just like king David did. For he was a man here on earth who knew how to commit sins well, but also knew even better, how to praise God extremely well. And in giving such sincere and sentimental praises, that even “ The Great I Am, God, “ had to return praises to a mere man, when He said that king David was a man after His own heart. https://www.jamesdazouloute.