If You Want The Fun Way To Teach Your Child Essential Problem Solving And Critical Thinking Skills While Spending Quality Family Together Then Keep Reading...
"Life is More Fun If You Play Games!"- Roald Dahl.
At Kidsville, we couldn't agree more, and we know Kids LOVE nothing more than to play!
That's why we decided to create Fun Riddles, Brain Teasers And Trick Questions For Kids, to help you teach your Child key Problem Solving, Cognitive Enhancing & Thinking skills, all while having fun!
Unfortunately, our modern society is constantly poisoning young brains, whether it's endless Social Media scrolling or addictive games all day long, Children's brain development is being affected.
We are never going to be able to combat this by forcing them to do boring stuff they hate, instead, it's about making activities that are beneficial for them as engaging and entertaining as possible, so they WANT to do it again and again.
Not only that, multiple studies have shown how Riddles and Brain Teasers greatly improve Cognitive Brain Functioning, Lateral Thinking AND Problem Solving Skills.
It's time to supercharge your Child's intellect the Kidsville way- With FUN!
Anyways, Here's A Sliver Of What You'll Discover Inside...
And SO Much More!
There's a reason over 50% of children find school ridiculously boring, because it is!
Learning needs to be fun and engaging to keep Children's attention in a modern day world full of endless distractions.
Which is why our mission at Kidsville is to do just that, bring the fun back into Learning, and help children experience the joy of Screen-Free fun!
So, If You Want To Help Supercharge Your Child's Learning Potential, Boost Their Problem Solving Skills & Spend More Quality Screen-Free Time With Them Then Get Your Book Today!