From Music Student to Teacher: A Professional Approach helps prospective music educators begin their transition from music student to professional music teacher. The text uniquely works to build upon the individual’s personal experience to enhance their approach to the profession. The authors help students first recognize their personal perspectives of the profession, and uncover the assumptions they have concerning learning and teaching. They are then prepared to make mindful informed decisions about their professional education.
The topics and activities are deliberately organized to help the reader think as a professional rather than a student. Divided into three parts: (a) discovery of self, (b) discovery of teaching, and (c) discovery of learners; The three parts address the primary stages of teacher development. Within each part readers are connected to the theoretical foundations of the text and the process of becoming an insider to the profession.From Music Student to Teacher: A Professional Approach incorporates online resources and tools that are already familiar to students in their world of networking through social media
Features include:
Michael A. Raiber is Professor of Music Education at Oklahoma City University
David J. Teachout is Associate Professor and Department Head of Music Education at the University of North Carolina Greensboro.