Business Ethics

By K. Praveen Parboteeah, John B. Cullen

Business Ethics
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Business Ethics provides a thorough review and analysis of business ethics issues using several learning tools:

Strategic Stakeholder Management as the Theme: All chapters use a strategic stakeholder approach as a unifying theme. The text is thus the first text that adopts this approach. Most business ethics scholars and practitioners agree that successful ethical companies are the ones that can strategically balance the needs of their various stakeholders. By adopting this approach, students will be able to see how the various aspects of business ethics are connected.

Theory-based and Application-based: All chapters have important applicable theories integrated with discussion of how such theories apply in practice. Unlike other texts that are either too theoretical or too practical, this text provides the appropriate blend of theory and practice to provide deeper insights into the concepts covered in the chapter.

Global Perspective: Unless most other texts, this text provides a global perspective on business ethics. Most chapters include material pertaining to ethics in global contexts. Included are cases about companies in a wide range of countries including Japan, U.K., China and India among many others.

Cases: The text contains over 30 real world global cases. Each chapter ends with a short two page case as well as a longer case that varies in length. Each has discussions questions at the end. Finally each of the four parts ends with a Comprehensive Case; proven teaching cases from The Ivey School and other sources.

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