Language Comprehension: A Biological Perspective

By Angela D. Friederici

Language Comprehension: A Biological Perspective
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Language comprehension and production is a uniquely human capability. We know little about the evolution of language as a human trait, possibly because our direct ancestors lived several million years ago. This fact certainly impedes the desirable advances in the biological basis of any theory of language evolution. Our knowledge about language as an existing species-specific biological sys tem, however, has advanced dramatically over the last two decades. New experi mental techniques have allowed the investigation of language and language use within the methodological framework of the natural sciences. The present book provides an overview of the experimental research in the area of language com prehension in particular. A biological perspective on language appears to be the common ground for all the contributors. Their research view is based on the conviction that knowledge about the language system can be gained on the basis of empirical research guided by modifiable theories. Each of the contributors reports and discusses the relevant work in hers or his specific field of research. Each of the nine chapters in this book focuses on a different level or aspect of language comprehension thereby covering the level of input processes and word recognition, the level of sentence processing as well as the level of text processing. Aspects of structural representation, and access to this representation are also discussed. One chapter finally attempts to describe the neurobiological basis of the different aspects of the language compre hension process.

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