Learn how to provide safe, effective nursing care for patients receiving drug therapy!
Clayton's Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, Twentieth Edition helps you understand the principles of pharmacology and apply them to nursing practice. This text explains how to make informed decisions about drug therapy, educate patients, and administer medications. This edition adds enhanced coverage of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model to prepare you for the critical thinking questions on the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) exam. Concise and easy to use, this essential resource helps you master the basics of medication administration and drug actions.
- NEW! Three new chapters address key topics: Drugs Used to Treat Immune and Inflammatory Disorders; Drugs Used to Treat Headaches; and Drugs Used to Treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- NEW! Video and animation icons direct you to supplementary videos or animations on the companion Evolve website
- UPDATED! Accurate and current content ensures you are learning the most current drugs and treatment protocols
- EXPANDED! Additional coverage of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model enhances The Nursing Process and Pharmacology chapter
- Medication Safety Alerts and Clinical Pitfall boxes, as well as Do-Not-Confuse and High Alert icons highlight the importance of safe drug handling and administration
- Nursing process application provides an overview of general principles of nursing care for each disorder, as well as specific nursing considerations for the drug treatment
- Medication Administration unit clearly and visually outlines assessment, techniques, procedures, and documentation for safe administration of percutaneous, enteral, and parenteral drugs
- Drug tables clearly outline generic and brand names, availability, and dosage ranges for key medications for each disorder
- Lifespan Considerations boxes for Children and for Older Adults draw attention to information that is especially important when giving a specific drug to patients of those age groups
- Clinical Goldmine boxes focus on best practices in the clinical setting
- Extensive resources on the Evolve companion website, including math review, patient teaching guides, chapter review questions, video clips of medication administration, and animations of drug actions, help reinforce your understanding of key concepts