Farm and Village Housing

By Bruce L. Melvin

Farm and Village Housing
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Planning for Residential Districts 11. Home Finance and Taxation 111. Slums, Large-Scale Housing and Decentralization IV. Home Ownership, Income and Types of Dwellings V. House Design, Construction and Equipment VI. Negro Housing VII. Farm and Village Housing VIII. Housing and the Community-Home Repair and Remodeling IX. Household Management and Kitchens X. Homemaking, Home Furnishing and Informa tion Services XI. Housing Objectives and Programs Acknowledgwenf k nzade to the Research Secrefa oyf the Coazwittss on Farm and Village Housing, Brucg L. Melvin, to Albert B. Graham of the United States Department of Agriculture Extetmon Servict, to Blaltclze Hal bert, Research Director of Better Horlaes in America, and to Janzes S. Taylor and Dan H. Wheeler of the Division of Buildivtg and Housif g B, zkrt au of Standards, U rited States Department of Con mercef, o r prelimirnary editing and frequent help i a th e preparation of this fid report for pztblkation. Ackrzowledgnzent is 1ikezPrise mude to John C. Leukhardf for the conapiling of the Index a zd to Dun H. Wheeler for the detailed work of f reparing this volume for the press.

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