Ethics, Crime, and Criminal Justice

By Christopher R. Williams, Bruce A. Arrigo Ph.D.

Ethics, Crime, and Criminal Justice
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This comprehensive, provocative text meaningfully examines ethical theories and their application to current issues, controversies, and professional scenarios in law, crime, and justice. It introduces students to the foundations of the study of ethics and morality; examines prominent moral and ethical themes, conflicts, and struggles in criminology and criminal justice; and explores the conceptual and practical value of key ethical concepts, principles, and arguments. This edition is extensively updated and revised for greater clarity, cohesiveness, and accessibility. An all-new chapter demonstrates practical application of normative frameworks to ethical dilemmas, and another largely new chapter introduces game theory, evolutionary psychology, and related concepts. Readers will find expanded discussions of social contract, cognitive neuroscience, Carol Gilligan’s ethic of care, and much more.

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